Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Relaxing on the couch with grandpa!
Grandma and the girls!

Grandma and grandpa were down for a quick visit. They stopped in on their way to Minnesota. Carolyn and Craig have been there for the summer and are on their way home. Grandma and grandpa are going to drive one of their cars home for them. They are planning to visit some church history sites on the way back home. Happy drivin'!

Makin' Cookies!

Megan is our little baker. I always looked forward to the day when I could tell my kids to go make ME some cookies! Well the time has come! Megan can make chocolate chip cookies ALL BY HERSELF! ( I just help her turn on the oven and sometimes get them out!) She gets all the ingredients out and reads the instructions and away she goes. She does a great job and the cookies are delicious!

Cashin' In

Cashin in the silver dollar! Humm, what should I get?
Good times with gramma and poppy!

It was Zane's turn to cash in his dinner dollar! He had a great time with gramma and poppy. He picked to go to Black Angus for dinner. Zane is always up for a good steak! It looks like they had a great time. Especially poppy when the it came time for the dessert! Good times!

Monday, August 4, 2008

New York, New York!

The chef at our hotel made this model of Yankee Stadium out of gum paste and sugar!
In the Trump Tower.

Us in Central Park!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

New York, New York!

Yankee Stadium
Brent watching BP!
The new stadium
Us at the top of the Empire State Building!

As many of you know Brent and I had the oppurtunity to go to New York a couple of weeks ago. We went to see a Yankee game at Yankee Stadium. Brent is not really a Yankee fan (GO BRAVES!) but he has always wanted to visit Yankee Stadium. It was now or never because this is the final year the Yankee's are playing there. We had a great time. We were only there a few days, but we were able to see lots of cool stuff! We watched the Yankee game (of course) then we went to the top of the Empire State Building, visited Central Park, saw Rockerfeller Plaza and walked and walked! It was fun to see New York City just as you do in the movies!